
Mais uma letra

Para ouvir, passa LÁ!
Gravação de ensaio ao vivo. Bases e voz são minhas, guitarra da Flávia Goo.

Devoted to Deviance

Walking silently
Over timeless trees
What you get is
What you see
I see many faces
Inside me
I see many ages
When I flee
Yesterday melts tomorrow
I wish I could tell you

I’ve turned away
From what you say
Is the rule and "It's real!"
Many times
Common sense
Is non sense

So I’m devoted
To deviance
To deviance
Rejoice with me
Let me show you
How to dance
The deviance

Landscapes we dream
Lush of the unseen
We have always been here
Dancing outside the walls
Of city and time
Jumping on the roofs
Of realistic lies

We have always been there
Enraptured by
The sounds of that stars
Let me show you my sky
Let me show you my heart
In the forest of forever

To deviance
To deviance
Rejoice with me
Let me show you
How to dance
The deviance

Enraptured by
The sounds of that stars
Let me show you my sky
In the forest of forever

The sounds of that stars
Let me show you my heart

Enraptured by
The forest of forever


3 letras, feitas há uns 5 anos ou 7,22 dias

A propósito, já estão se transformando em músicas, junto com "Alma Liber" e "Sete Oitavas".



Responder é o azar
De se perguntar
Realizar é o azar
Do desejo
E azar o meu
Quando eu te vejo

Minha carne exposta
Em uma pergunta
A tua resposta
E o desafio de esquecer

Mergulhei no rio Letes
Nadei em suas correntes
Bebi adagas
Dancei em facas
De salto agulha
Cheirei giletes
Comi navalhas
Ao molho ferrugem
Com um antiácido
Pra digerir

Mergulhei no Letes
Um rio nunca é
Do mesmo sangue
Um riso nunca é
Do mesmo gozo
Um espelho nunca é
Da mesma imagem
E o amor eterno nunca é
Do mesmo alvo

Veio outra flecha
Em outra imagem
Eu te esqueci
Virou bobagem

Mas o passado está
Em um lindo aquário congelado
Em um armário a sete chaves
Sete quedas sete vidas
Em que eu te amei


Glass Grapes

You left me here
I´m eating
Purple stains
I´m drinking
Green wines of dreams
Undone in time
To catch my heart

I´m eating
My fate my losses
The grapes of wrath

The glass grapes
The gates of dawn
The gardens
Of Hell
To feel again
How is to rain
Your distant body

The glass grapes

Drinking red
The wines of dreams


After Sandstorms

Sometimes sailing over eyes
Of somebody inside
Drowning elevators
Drowning elevators
Hot headspace ship laughing out
Transilvanian Kundalini
Babilônia Saint Romain
Black smiling faces
Of happy chaos
Over the sea, over the sea
Drowning elevators
Drowning elevators
Copacabana’s white stones
Bleaching the sins
Bleaching the sins
On sand and a soul that spins
The tides the vices the winds
Hot headspace ship laughing out
To drowning elevators
Drowning elevators
Black smiling faces
Of happy chaos
Over the sea, over the sea
I’m dying I’m digging
To elephants inside trees

I’m diving I’m digging
To elephants inside trees

Catalan sand castles
Falls deeper into the ground
I’m digging to the fountain
Beyond so called sanity
Over the city, over the city
I’m dying I’m digging
To elephants inside trees

Here is where the doves die
Beauty speaks through your eyes
Dripping silence after sandstorms
After sandstorms, after sandstorms